I am not familiar with a "bongo composter" ha ha They are SLOW to go!! Never mind the insurance man's face if you had to claim Blimey , Ksmerd I had sussed that this was a DIY composter I was just pulling your leg! And believe me I have more composters and heaps around my garden than than fingers on both hands! The last thing I need is a blue plastic drum rolling around the place. Nevertheless is sounds like a great idea and I will pass along the info to the local "allotmenters" etc.
I prefer the idea of keeping tools etc in them How do I say thanks? Fish boxes recycled. Recycle double bed base. Freebies out of old pallets. Two years ago I dug out a small plot of weed infested soil down to a depth of 60cms What ideas do you have for this container please?
How can you use old carpet in the garden? Add a photo Add another photo Add another photo. Feathers are used in a number of decorative products such as boas, feather fans, masks, costume accessories, bird ornaments, and even earrings and flowers. Feathers are also routinely used in the production of fishing flies. Can you compost pickles? Certain items, like meat and dairy, can attract unwanted pests to compost piles.
Other items, like pickles, can throw off the pH balance of compost. A good compost pile will contain a wide variety of compostable materials. How do you make plastic chicken feathers?
When making the plastic, the scientists heat-treated the feathers to clean them and then pulverized them into a fine powder.
They then added chemicals that made the keratin molecules join together into long chains and create a polymer. Why do we compost at home? Benefits of Composting Enriches soil, helping retain moisture and suppress plant diseases and pests.
Reduces the need for chemical fertilizers. Encourages the production of beneficial bacteria and fungi that break down organic matter to create humus, a rich nutrient-filled material. Can you use chicken feathers for pillows? Though chicken feathers are used in some inex- pensive pillows, they don't offer quite the same qualities.
Chicken feathers are shorter, with more prickly quills, and are not as fluffy as goose down feathers. Can you compost chicken feathers? Feathers are one of those compost ingredients that contain a high level of nitrogen so go ahead and mix them into the compost pile. Does hair decompose in water? It's gross and too time-consuming to pluck each feather out of the poop Is it bad to put feathers in the compost??
Dec 17, 6, Jacksonville, FL. YES - they can go in the compost. They are a source of protein and other things. River Rats In the Brooder 9 Years. Feb 15, 37 0 I had heard that they are really good for your compost pile. I wouldn't have guessed they'd be good for it! Do they take any longer to break down than pine shavings or hair? It had some feathers in it too. It all went in my compost pile with some mulch and it broke down with everything else.
It was sooooo strong - - I hope my neighbors never figured out where the obnoxious odor was coming from. Go ahead and compost the feathers - - - they should be fine! What everyone else said. It's good for compost.
LeezyBeezy Songster 9 Years. Mar 13, 0 Lancaster PA. Quote: The farmer next door buys "hen" manure to spread on the fields every year.
I grew up on a farm, with chicken houses nearby, thought it would ne much the same Commercial manure isVILE. It smelled like a dead animal, not the typical "manure" smell.
Thank goodness is rained two days later. Nov 11, 35 5 26 Southern CA. There is no chicken question I can't find the answer to on here! Hooray for composting feathers! And yes everyone said if regret chickens because they stink.
But they dot at all. My kids fight to pick up their poop. I'm finding a lot of the horror stories I had as predictions are really mostly bogus and from folks who don't have first hand experience.
Having chickens is the most satisfying animal experience I've ever had. Jun 18, 31, 4, Southern Oregon. Click to expand AlineD Chirping 5 Years.
Apr 16, 86 9 91 Wyoming.