Can you use an iphone on china mobile

Do you have a picture to add? Click the button and find it on your computer. Then select it. Click here to upload more images optional. Your Name. Your Location. Check box to agree to these submission guidelines. I am at least 16 years of age. I understand and accept the privacy policy. I understand that you will display my submission on your website. You can preview and edit on the next page. China Wifi. China 3G China 3g service introduction. China Mobile iPhone 5 Service.

More Iphone in China Questions and Answers. From iphone to China Mobile Phones. To keep up to date, including special offers, please sign up our monthly service guide. Don't worry — your e-mail address is totally secure. Do you have experience using iphone in overseas? Please share it! I just want to use my iphone 6 for taking photos while in china. To be on the safe side, I am not going to use it for any form of communication at all!

So, based on that, what do I need to know in order to safeguard my camera. Hey Joann! Great question. Then keep it in airplane mode. Josh gave great advice. I was in China may and was able to text , take pictures and even make calls but tmobile advised me that the roaming charges could be extensive if the phone was on and not in airplane mode.

Hi, I spent one year in China and I am now in China for two months. In Chongqing I have not been able to have my cell phone work. I spent all day at China Telecom with no success. I was told then and again today that you need a citizen card to get a phone. A friend loaned me a aim from his old phone and I was able then to do business under his account. I am now going to use my mother-in-law s phone. My phone is good on WiFi.

If the China Telecom store is telling you you need a Chinese ID card to get a SIM card for your phone, then you need to go to a different probably bigger store. Hi ,I have just found this site and thank you so much for sharing your experience and know hows! Hi Chun Liu, thanks for reaching out. Everything in China revolves around your SIM card. As far as the best data available, just as other places in the world, each carrier has their own strengths in coverage around China.

What is missing from here is the vital information that you cannot use wifi in restaurants, hotels, etc. I agree with Jim.

Even with an international phone, I never get those pin numbers to work. You need a Chinese carrier and number to receive those. You can get onto most coffee shop or restaurant wifi without a SIM card.

Hi Daniel…yes, I can confirm that this will work just fine. Hey Josh, been following your site since relocating to China in recent months. While plans can be a little pricey — at least when you compare them to local China SIM card rates — the data service quality, call quality and availability are really worth the investment.

Thanks so much for the kind words and the suggestion, Frank! Good article. We were in china Xian in and have sprint. You may need to switch the site it is trying to access I changed routinely from HK to Tokyo to singapore and was able to do pretty well.. I had 2 confiscated because they were unmarked. They apparently limit the MaH to If no data usage incurred, it will not deduct any amount.

You can even choose different package if you want to. Apart from that, every month it will automatically deduct RMB6 as monthly subscription despite is prepaid sim card.

The shop keeper told us that, once it finished deducting the main account, this card will be automatically expired and unusable. You can find this China Unicom shop right after you go through Lu Wu immigration. As it is just outside of immigration, you can even purchase it even though you are not travelling from Hong Kong to Lo Wu. Image from Lawrence Li. Of course, said money could certainly be used on a new iPhone As I noted in my first article about China Mobile and the iPhone, this is a big deal for demographic reasons alone.

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