One type of VT is Long QT syndrome , an inherited condition that affects an estimated 1 in 2, people. It causes the lower chambers of the heart to take too long to contract and release, causing a fast and chaotic heart rhythm.
Bradycardia — when the heart rate is below the normal low range for a child's age. In children, two of the most common types are:. Infants with abnormal heart rhythms may seem extra irritable or fussy, have feeding difficulties, appear pale, and lack energy. Older children tend to have more specific symptoms such as feeling a fluttering or pounding known as heart palpitations, lightheadedness or fainting , chest pain or discomfort, and difficulty breathing.
If your child's doctor suspects a heart rhythm problem after the physical exam, he or she will recommend cardiac testing , which may include:. Your pediatrician will likely refer you to a pediatric cardiologist for follow up. A pediatric electrophysiologist, who specializes in testing for heart rhythm disorders, may also be part of your child's care team.
Although heart rhythm disorders can be worrisome, treatments and cures are available. Many heart rhythm problems can be controlled with medications.
Implantable devices such as artificial pacemakers can also help keep heart rhythms regular. Other options include corrective surgery and other procedures such as radiofrequency ablation , which uses radio waves to heat up certain heart cells in the heart to prevent them from letting electrical currents through.
Christopher S. He is also a member of the Ohio AAP chapter. You may be trying to access this site from a secured browser on the server. Please enable scripts and reload this page. Turn on more accessible mode. Turn off more accessible mode. Skip Ribbon Commands. Skip to main content. Turn off Animations. Turn on Animations. Our Sponsors Log in Register. Log in Register. Ages and Stages. You might also want to use a phone app that measures the pulse. These often require you to place a finger on the camera lens for the measurement, so they may not be a good choice for young children who have a hard time holding still.
Before looking at what is considered a normal pulse rate, keep in mind that health professionals talk about a couple of different types of heart rates. Listed are the normal ranges of heart rates in children from birth to 18 years of age based on a large review study published in the Lancet.
These measurements are taken from children at rest and in infants who are awake and healthy. The median number is listed as the "resting heart rate" and represents the middle heart rate of the whole sample. During crying or physical activity, a child's pulse rate may climb to the upper limits of what is normal for their age. Likewise, it may drop to the lower limits of normal when they are sleeping.
There are some inconsistencies among various reference ranges for pediatric heart rate. Your pediatrician can give you a more accurate normal rate specifically for your child. Use this as a guide, but not a hard and fast rule. As you can see, younger children normally have faster heart rates than teenagers. On the other hand, very athletic teens can have resting pulse rates as low as 40 to 50 beats per minute.
This is because they are so fit that their heart does not have to work as hard to move blood through the body. A child's pulse rate can be normal, fast tachycardia , or slow bradycardia. In some forms of tachycardia, like supraventricular tachycardia SVT , the heart rate can rise above beats per minute.
In contrast, a child with bradycardia may have a heart rate of less than 50 beats per minute. A very fast or slow heart rate can be a medical emergency, especially if your child has any symptoms associated with it, such as:. It's also important to talk to your pediatrician if your child always seems to be at either the upper or lower limits of normal.
For example, tell your child's doctor if:. A heart rate above the upper limit of normal may be a sign of an underlying heart condition. It could also be a clue to other problems in the body, such as an infection or a metabolic condition.
In addition to the pulse rate how many times per minute the heart beats , the rhythm of the pulse can also be regular or irregular. An irregular heart rate can signal a heart problem. It's a good idea to contact your pediatrician if you think your child's pulse feels erratic or unsteady, especially if it happens often or lasts a long time. Heavy smoking, alcohol, or too much caffeine or other stimulants, such as diet pills.
Stopping the use of tobacco, alcohol, caffeine, or other stimulants may help your heart rate return to normal. Cocaine, amphetamines, and methamphetamines. Related Information Change in Heartbeat. Specific arrhythmias: Diagnosis and treatment. In DL Mann et al. Philadelphia: Saunders. Page RL, et al. DOI: Accessed September 23, Also, remember that your child's heart naturally beats faster than an adult heart and can get much faster during exercise than an adult heart rate.
However, if your child is experiencing symptoms such as chest pain or trouble breathing along with a fast heart rate, they may need medical attention. Kane says a good rule of thumb is if your child's heart is beating too fast for you to count the beats, then medical help may be needed.
A child typically experiences a slower heart rate when sleeping. However, if their heart rate is slow in the middle of the day and they show symptoms of lethargy or experience fainting, they may need medical help. Measuring your child's pulse is easy.
There are several places on the body where you can check the pulse including the wrist, inside the elbow or the side of the neck. For most parents, the wrist is the easiest, most accessible place. To check your child's heart rate, place two fingers on their wrist, below their thumb. Apply gentle pressure until you can feel a slight beat against your fingertips.