The next day, Randel and Brianna followed each other on Instagram. She waited about 24 hours for Randel to send her a message before she slid into his DMs with a note to Melissa that she accidentally sent to him. He knew right away. Randel saw his potential and was eager to build his skill set.
For Bruno, it was mostly a beginner's class full of technical lessons on grappling and takedowns. On occasion Randel would show a burst of speed or strength that would instantly remind Jacob of who the man across from him actually was, a former all-county wrestler and football player on Long Island. Brianna hardly ever missed a meet. During one practice, Bruno and Randel were grappling when the coach suddenly stopped.
He joked that he was just getting old and needed to go get a drink. But then Bruno saw Randel struggle with his hands to open the bottle cap. It had happened before. In , Randel was reaching for a fork at breakfast when his hand began to tremble. He shrugged it off and set some new goals in the weight room to help build back some strength he figured he was losing with age. After all, he was in his 30s now.
But the tremble didn't go away. It wasn't constant, and it wasn't overt. But it would happen, a feeling of weakness that was progressing. At a weekly Tuesday dinner with some friends, Randel reached for his coffee mug and the tremble returned. Randel assured the group he was fine. Perhaps it was an early sign of the diabetes that ran in his family.
But he wasn't keen on finding out anything more. A few months after they'd begun dating, Brianna caught on that something was wrong, and that Randel needed a push to seek answers.
It was a difficult conversation; she knew he didn't want to talk about it. Randel had worked so hard after the loss of his mother. He put himself through school and built a career. Randel felt that whatever was happening to him could threaten all of that, and much more. He was in love with Brianna. Brianna approached Randel with a pact. She had picked up smoking, and she wanted to stop. She knew it bothered Randel, so she made him a promise. She would quit cigarettes cold turkey if he would just go to the doctor for an examination.
He agreed. She quit, and he went. Test results came flooding in from bloodwork and MRIs. Everything was normal. News that might have been comforting instead only heightened the anxiety.
Randel knew the progressive weakness wasn't normal. He began seeing multiple doctors, then multiple neurologists. Then, one day after practice, Randel was on his way to Brianna's apartment around the corner from the school when his phone rang. It was a nurse with information about his next appointment, and a suggestion that this time, he bring someone with him for support. Randel disregarded the advice and went to the appointment by himself. When the doctor came into the room, Randel had already made up his mind that whatever the news, he would remain calm.
He was stoic and attentive as he received his diagnosis. Amyotrophic lateral sclerosis, a progressive neurodegenerative disease. ALS attacks motor neurons in the brain and spinal cord. When the cells die, muscle control and movement are lost, eventually including the ability to breathe on one's own.
There is no cure. Brianna was at home, waiting by her phone. When it rang, she was met with an unfamiliar sound. Randel was sobbing. She went numb. She called her parents crying.
Randel was 33, 22 years younger than the average age of diagnosis. Brianna was convinced there was a mistake. With ALS, the only word that you see is 'terminal. In the days that followed, Randel went back to work. Coaching was his passion, and he needed it now more than ever. It wouldn't help him forget the diagnosis, but it did allow him to suppress the fear, however briefly. The first day he walked back into the gym, his childhood friend and fellow coach, Anthony Servidio, greeted him with a huge embrace.
Every wrestler in the program followed suit. They wanted him to know, above all, that he wouldn't be fighting alone. Maarten in the Caribbean for a vacation. On the surface, the trip was purely for rest and relaxation, but Randel had the future in his thoughts. He was nervous. He was in love with everything about Brianna.
Their families got along famously. But he had been diagnosed with a terminal disease just 16 days before. Their future was now a much more challenging path. Impossible questions and answers occupied his mind. What am I going to subject her to? How much will she be able to handle? But Randel found clarity on that trip. Top review.
Good show, bad audio. So bad in fact that most of my friends turned it off after 30 minutes because they couldn't understand what the actors were saying. The plot, especially in the beginning was very important to the rest of the story, and there were so many characters involved that if you didn't know what they said, you were lost. The biggest issue was the mumbling of the actors, combined with what appeared to be lousy sound pick-up. Further along into part one, the audio seemed to clear up and the actors stopped mumbling for the most part.
The second and third parts of the series were much better, audio wise. Be aware that I am from southern WV, and while it may be hard for people outside this area to understand the dialect, it isn't for me.
The early mumbling and audio was just bad. Now, as far as the rest of the movie: I give it a 7, which is high for me. I'm glad to see the fact that these people weren't portrayed as stupid barefoot hillbillies.
Check the history of Devil Anse on the Net and you'll find out that he was smart, wealthy, and the family turned out doctors and lawyers and governors. All in all, I like the show. FAQ 1. Is this based on a true story? Details Edit. Release date May 28, United States. United States. Official site. Castel Film Studios, Bucharest, Romania. Technical specs Edit. When she went to be with Johnse in West Virginia, a posse of McCoys rode to the cabin, took Johnse prisoner and set out for the Pikeville jail.
Roseanna told Devil Anse, who gathered his own crew to cut off the McCoys and rescue his son. After that, the couple remained apart. Roseanna would give birth to their daughter, Sarah Elizabeth McCoy, in the spring of The baby died of measles later that year. Johnse Hatfield, who would be married four times in his life, met Nancy McCoy the daughter of Asa Harmon McCoy, who had been killed by the Hatfields and they were married on May 14, On Aug.
Tolbert's two younger brothers, Pharmer and Randolph Jr. Preacher Anse Hatfield ordered constables to take the McCoy brothers to the Pikeville jail to face charges. They stopped at Floyd McCoy's house for food and decided to spend the night further up Blackberry Creek.
Devil Anse Hatfield found out and the next morning arrived on the scene, and a posse of nearly 20 family and friends took charge of the McCoy boys. When Ellison died, Devil Anse crossed into Kentucky, tied the boys to paw paw trees and the group of men executed the boys who had killed Ellison. The raiders burned Randolph's cabin to the ground. Randolph, his wife Sarah and the remaining children escaped. The murders of the McCoys caused Kentucky's governor Simon Buckner to unleash special officer Frank Phillips and 38 men to arrest the nearly 20 men and put out a special reward which brought a slew of bounty hunters to come after the Hatfields.
On Jan. Although no one was killed in the fight, it prompted Devil Anse to order 25 new Winchester repeating rifles to prepare for future attacks. The raids brought the ire of West Virginia Gov. Willis Wilson, and many thought there might be another Civil War break out along the Tug Fork between factions in the two states. Both states ordered their National Guard units to prepare to defend their borders.
West Virginia's governor sued Kentucky for the unlawful arrest of nine prisoners and unsuccessfully appealed the case to the U. Supreme Court in April The court ruled the Hatfields would have to stand trial in Kentucky whether or not the original arrests by Phillips were legal. Elison Mounts was hanged on Feb. Keep it Clean. Please avoid obscene, vulgar, lewd, racist or sexually-oriented language. Don't Threaten. Threats of harming another person will not be tolerated.
Be Truthful. Don't knowingly lie about anyone or anything. Be Nice. No racism, sexism or any sort of -ism that is degrading to another person.