Orienpet Lilies : July — August bloomers, cross between trumpet and Oriental lilies, subtle but delightful perfume. Amazingly tall, mine are now 7 feet tall, a variety called Satisfaction. Oriental Lilies: Mid to late August Bloomers, rich fragrance, feet tall, amazing variety. I especially like Dizzy unfortunate name and Gold Band and Corso. Source: Scott, I really like John Scheepers for bulbs.
And the Trumpet Lily Regale is also favorite and a July bloomer. They like good drainage. Great post and thanks for sharing your experiene with your readers. Really enjoyed reading your post on how to enjoy the blooms of lily for a longer period of time.
I do not twitter or use face book. Thanks for the tips and the information, Your garden is magnificent. I shall now look for your books. Beautiful lilies Tom! Great pictures… I also grow alot of the oriential lilies here in South Carolina! They bloom all summer long. Love their huge flowers and wonderful fragrance!
My wife really loves them, make a huge vase of lilies and adding someone ferns with them. You might be interested in my garden Bluebird House give-away, check it out. Thanks Michael, Nice to know lilies do well in the heat of the South. As a child, I lived in Myrtle Beach, and the nursery down the road from us used to refrigerate tulip bulbs before planting. Take care and I love your birdhouses!
Tom, a delight to revisit this post. Thanks for the inspiration …. Hi I planted some polland free lilly bulbs in planting pots to start them off. I planted them in may and none have bloomed yet. I used nice organic soil. Ive planted alot of diffrent bulbs this year and so far none have grown. I wanted a beautiful yard this year.
I want to save my lillies. Ive spent so much money on bulbs and none have grown to full bloom. It rots bulbs very easily. Shop Featured Holiday Categories. Home Decor.
Holiday Decor. Christmas Trees. Holiday Lighting. Gift Cards. How long do lily blooms last? Email Save Comment 2. Sort by: Oldest. Newest Oldest. Hope this helps! Cheers, Riz. Like Save. Nell Jean 15 years ago. Related Discussions Do painted kitchen cupboards last a long time? A professional painter would probably make the finish last for a while, it all depends on how you rough you are on your cabinets.
Painting these cabinets white with white appliances might send your kitchen right back to the late 80's which is not good for property value. You may want to think of doing a darker stain that is on trend or just change the hardware and leave your current stain, it's not that bad.
Research the soft paint colors or other staining alternatives that are being used today before you settle on plain white paint. We live in a yo ranch house the mountains in west Texas. Everyone has their brown, dark green houses that fade in one season from the desert sun. I opted for SW Rhinestone for the exterior. It is a very pale gray that reads white, but not so glaring and stark to the eyes. It looks fresh, clean and really sets off the trees, mountains, blue sky and my roses.
Loved by butterflies, birds and bees, Coneflowers have won the hearts and minds of many gardeners and are increasingly in vogue as garden perennials, as cut flowers or landscape plants.
They enjoy such a long list of virtues that should not be overlooked! Adding outstanding contrast, interest and color to the summer garden while being trouble-free and low maintenance, Echinops Globe Thistle makes an invaluable contribution to the landscape. Blooming from mid summer to early fall, their bold and ornamental, steel blue or pristine white, globe-shaped flowers the size of a golf ball are truly lovely and enchanting. Borne at the end of sturdy stems, they dance gracefully above their handsome foliage of thistle-like dark green leaves.
Often called the 'perfect perennial' because of its numerous qualities: showy flowers, wide array of vibrant colors, drought tolerance, heat stress immunity, ability to grow in most hardiness zones and low care requirements, Daylily Hemerocallis is a remarkable and stunning addition to the garden!
Each flower typically lasts no more than 24 hours, opening up in the morning and withering during the forthcoming night, possibly replaced by another one on the same flower stalk the next day. Monarda has very distinctive, brightly colored flower-heads that create impressive border displays and provide a great impact when used in mass planting. The blooms consist of asymmetrical, two-lipped tubular flowers borne in dense, globular terminal heads, which rest upon a whorl of decorative bracts that attract scores of butterflies and hummingbirds.
It is also grown for its aromatic foliage that can be enjoyed in salads or simply by passing by. View Garden. While every effort has been made to describe these plants accurately, please keep in mind that height, bloom time, and color may differ in various climates. The description of these plants has been written based on numerous outside resources. Read More. Becoming a contributing member of Gardenia is easy and can be done in just a few minutes. We use cookies on this website, you can read about them here.
To use the website as intended please Accept Cookies. Alphabetical Plant Listing. View or Create Collections. Martagon Lilies. Lilium candidum Madonna Lily. Lilium longiflorum 'White American' Easter Lily.
Lilium longiflorum 'White Heaven' Easter Lily. Oriental Lilies. Species and Wild Lilies. Echinacea Coneflowers. Echinops Globe Thistle. Hemerocallis Daylilies. Monarda Bee Balm. Garden Examples. Heat Zones 1 - 7 What's My Zone? Want Garden Inspiration?
Related Items Guides. Trumpet Lilies Blooming in mid summer, Trumpet Lilies emit a heavy, sweet Most Fragrant Lilies When it comes to fragrance, Lilies have few rivals. Most Fragrant Oriental Lilies Known as the most flamboyant personalities within the world