How old is leo from charmed

Piper : Not as great as it used to be, thanks to me. Leo : Well, Piper, you're having a baby. Your priorities have changed. Piper : Yeah, well, haven't you heard? Women can have careers and babies now. It's been in all the papers. Leo : Well, are those women trying to save the world from demons too?

Phoebe : What about water birth? Can we do that at home? Eve : Sure, we can rent a tub. Piper : What am I a dolphin? I'm not giving birth to fish. Leo : Well, actually, dolphins aren't fish. They're mammals. Piper : Shut up. Leo Wyatt : What is that? Is that a time portal? Is that what that is? What are you using it for? Chris Perry : I don't have to answer that.

Leo Wyatt : I thought you said you had nothing to hide. Chris Perry : I don't have to answer that either. Leo : Phoebe, you cant be the Queen of the Underworld and a charmed one! Paige : [to Leo] Okay, is that normal? Leo : All this arguing is probably just upsetting the baby.

Piper : [indicating size with her hands] Leo, the baby is an inch long. All this arguing is upsetting the mommy. Leo : It's your love that keeps me sane and whole and balanced. Phoebe : [about Paige] Dead? What do you mean she's dead? Leo : Don't worry. The dwarves are all over it. Phoebe : The dwarves? Leo : Piper cast a spell that wound up summoning the descendents of the seven dwarves. Actually, they prefer to be called little people now.

Piper : Where's my baby? Leo : Over here. Paige : Oh, my God. Piper : Oh, my God. Leo : Oh, my God! Slappy : Oh, that doesn't sound good. Leo : Dammit! Paige : Are Elders even allowed to swear?

Leo : No, but fathers are. Piper : It was all of those women showing off their sonogram pictures, and it was just working on my last nerve. Like, "Look, it's Jasper's first photo. And it's going to go on the fridge in a magnetic frame that says 'Jasper's First Photo'. Leo : Okay, I thought prenatal yoga was supposed to help you relax. Leo : Because nobody knows where it is. Its location has been kept secret even from the Elders. Paige : Where was their infinite wisdom on the day that was decided?

Piper : Aww I was such a cute baby. Leo : Yea I know. Piper : Leo, you're not even looking at the picture. Leo : Well I've been watching you you're whole life. Piper : Yea ok that's too creepy to think about. Piper : What's that? Leo : That's our little boy. Leo : [talking about making a costume for Wyatt's school play] You wanted a normal life, remember?

Piper : [at the book, willing to conjure a costume] Look, that was before I realized our son was going to be humiliated in front of his entire class! Billie Jenkins : Happened to me all the time. Only made me stronger. Piper : And shut it! Leo : You know, you're a pretty good whitelighter.

Although he is however reluctant to the idea at first, he hesitantly agrees. Chris helps his father. Too much of his surprise, Chris appears and tells him he is there to guide him through the quest. He also tells him that though he isn't real, Chris is his root pain, since he was killed by all Leo thought was good. Leo grabs Chris's hand and he moves Leo onto his next memory, the night when Chris was conceived and when he admitted to Piper that he never stopped loving her.

They both watch on until Chris takes Leo to the next memory, Wyatt's birth. As he starts seeing all the things in his life that make him happy, including the birth of Chris, Leo finally comes out of the vision quest, much to the happiness of Piper.

However, The Avatars materialize again with the floating heads and force him back into the quest, where Avatar Alpha was waiting. Alpha tries to convince Leo to join them by showing him the future; all of the Halliwells dead.

Leo screams and the quest goes black. Leo awakens and finds Piper and Phoebe dead. Alpha appears again to Leo and promises him a better life, a life without demons if he agrees to become an Avatars since they have the power to heal the dead.

He reluctantly agrees and Alpha grants him the powers. Though Piper was appalled upon discovering that Leo was an Avatar, she and her sisters were eventually swayed to believe that the Avatars were doing good.

The sisters agreed to cast the spell that would bring about the Avatar's goal, Utopia , a world free of the battle between good and evil. After Utopia had begun, Leo discovered that the Avatars killed people who created, what they called, conflict. Leo then teamed up with the demon Zankou , who was also out to stop the Avatars in order to reverse Utopia. Leo sacrifices himself by starting a conflict with demons in order to convince the sisters of how the Avatars have taken away their free will, and subsequently their ability to feel grief.

After the sisters have the Avatars reverse Utopia, Leo is brought back to life, now an Elder once again. The Elders informed him that they were going to put him under a test; they erase his memory and orb him to the middle of nowhere with the purpose being for him to choose his path, either with Piper and his family or the Elders.

Once there, a truck drives past and crashes into a ditch. Leo's first instinct is to go help the injured man, which is a memory from his early life of being in the medical field during the war. He patches up the victim's leg and takes him to a nearby hospital. Piper with Cole in the cosmic void. Leo is then taken to their local police station in order to find out he really is.

Suddenly, someone walks in the door behind him, and he gets a quick flash of himself killing Gideon. Back at the manor, Phoebe attempts to scry for him, however, it fails. However, Piper has slipped into a coma and is greeted by Cole Turner , Phoebe's ex-husband, who is there with her to help Leo come back to her. Meanwhile, Leo is at a diner talking to the waitress who tries to help him jog some memories, maybe that of a loved one, and he suddenly gets a flash of him proposing to Piper.

Still confused about what happened, he hitches a ride from a stranger, who unknown to him is actually the Elder, Odin , manipulating him in order to coerce him to choose The Elders. Odin tells Leo that he and a group of like-minded others plan to help save the world, and taps into Leo's nature to convince him to join him. Meanwhile, Phoebe and Paige track Leo down and find a truck stopped in front of them.

They approach it to find both Leo and Odin and attempt to convince Leo to come home, however, Odin quickly orbs him out, telling Leo it's his destiny to join him. Paige and Phoebe orb back home to find Piper has fallen even deeper into her coma. Meanwhile, in the Cosmic Void , Cole is able to convince Piper to give into death in order to call out to Leo's connection to her.

Upon doing so, her spirit returns to her body, she temporarily awakens and calls out Leo's name, which he hears from Golden Gate Bridge, causing Leo to get his memories back. He then decides to fall from grace and gives up all of his magical powers. He jumps off the top of the bridge and lands on the landing below, turning himself back into a mortal.

Paige and Phoebe then orb him home where they find Wyatt healing Piper. Though initially, it was strange for Leo to not have powers anymore, he gladly embraced living his life with his wife and children. However, Leo begins to feel useless now that he is mortal, and starts annoying Piper by fixing and rearranging everything around the house.

More serious trouble comes when Leo is injured, and with no way to heal himself anymore, Wyatt panics and puts his parents into the miniature dollhouse replica of the Manor for protection. After his magic is reversed, Leo's feelings of uselessness end when the sisters offer him the chance to take over the post of Headmaster of Magic School from Paige, a role that suits him perfectly. Leo, along with the sisters, takes on new identities after the battle with Zankou leads the world and Underworld to believe that they were dead.

Shortly after, however, they return to their true identities after discovering that they were not better off. Unfortunately, Magic School had been overrun by demons during their absence, leaving Leo jobless. In late , the Angel of Death came to Piper to warn her that it's time for Leo to die. Piper decided not to tell Leo about Death and casts a spell that hexes every male in San Francisco to look exactly like Leo, causing the Angel of Death to put off taking him.

The sisters try to devise a plan to save him but it was too late, Death found Leo waiting in a taxi and a truck slammed into the passenger door when Leo was getting out, severely wounding him to the point that he urgently needed surgery. Piper says goodbye to her husband. At a breaking point, Piper summons an Elder and an Avatar to find out the reason why Leo has to die, though the two reveal that this is not their jurisdiction.

The sisters then cast a spell to summon an Angel of Destiny. The Angel reveals that Leo is destined to die because his death will motivate the sisters to fight their last destined battle , and ultimately win.

The Angel agrees to make a deal, and the sisters have the demon Burke freeze, Leo, having the Angel take him until the sisters win the ultimate battle. Almost six months later , the sisters go up against Billie and Christy Jenkins in the ultimate battle, however, it doesn't go as planned and ends up killing Christy, Phoebe, and Paige.

Leo is returned by the Angel and he and Piper enlist the help of Coop and they go back in time to save Phoebe and Paige. After meeting their future selves nearly 50 years into the future, and enlisting the help of the sisters' mom and grams from the past to save everyone, the Angel takes Leo back as the battle had not been completed. In the end, Leo is returned after the sisters vanquish the Triad , and Billie and Christy are defeated.

Following the battle, the sisters reclaim Magic School from the demons and Leo returns to his post as Headmaster. He and Piper then have their third and final child, Melinda Halliwell.

Eighteen months later, Melinda unexpectedly begins using the power of telekinetic orbing which should be impossible because Leo was mortal when she was conceived. Though Leo feels that there is nothing to worry about, Piper has Paige orb him up to the Heavens to interrogate the Elders.

There, Leo discovers that the council has been replaced by a new one for interfering in the natural order of things too many times. Kyle Brody is one of the new Elders. Kyle tells Leo that, because he was a Whitelighter for so long, Whitelighter magic was ingrained into his DNA, passing it onto Melinda, making Leo angry as he knows that there has to be a greater reason for Melinda having these powers.

Kyle goes on to say that The Elders brought the Whitelighter powers out of Melinda so that she would become twice-blessed like Wyatt. The Elders altered the prophecy of the Twice-Blessed Child so that Wyatt, Chris, and Melinda would inherit the Power of Three and the three oldest Halliwell children would be a greater force of good than the Charmed Ones, in the future. Kyle then reveals that he has been granted permission to restore Leo's wings as the Charmed Ones will need their Whitelighter for the coming storm.

Leo rejects Kyle's offer, telling him that he does enough good at Magic School. As an attempt to convince Leo to become a Whitelighter again, Kyle then reveals to him that his old enemy Rennek has returned and has teamed up with the new enemy, Neena.

Leo refuses the offer once again, desiring to grow old with his wife and die before his children do. Kyle tells him that the offer would not be made again and that he can never tap into his Whitelighter power again without the full package, including immortality.

Leo soon came face to face with Rennek once again, when Neena sent Piper into an alternate dimension. Paige glamoured herself and Leo into demons to infiltrate Neena's army after she overtook the Heavens.

However, Neena being the first witch, saw through the disguise and got Rennek to hold Leo up until she finished what she started. Leo got the upper hand on Rennek, stole his crossbow, and took out several demons. Neena returned and chained Leo up with chains forged in the Heavens. Leo attempts to reason with Neena, knowing that she's not truly evil, though Neena rebuffs him, trying to justify her actions to him and make him understand that what she was doing is for the greater good.

Leo was then backed into the gates of the Vault and his dormant Whitelighter DNA allowed him to open the doors to hide. While in there, Leo desired to help out in the battle and grabbed hold of an ancient sword which granted him angelic wings.

After the demons were cast away, with the combined power of the Elders and the Warren Witches, Leo used the sword to break the Sphaera of Light and Dark , preventing the apocalypse.

The Elders informed Leo that his new abilities cannot be easily tossed away, though he is able to suppress the wings. A few months later, Leo discovered that the sword is called the Empyreal Sword , a weapon forged by a man known as the Bladesmith for the Whitelighters to use in ancient times before it was decided that they would be guides and not warriors.

However, because Leo is mortal, every time he uses the sword and the wings, it drains more of his life force. The Bladesmith's descendant, Glynnis , promises Leo and the sisters that she will do everything in her power to find a way to separate Leo from the sword. Later, Leo is kidnapped by Rennek who reveals that what he wants from Leo is information; due to being a Whitelighter, an Elder, and an Avatar, Leo has integral information on the magical community hidden deep within his subconscious.

Rennek then uses a Dark Priest to pull the information out of Leo's mind. Six months later, magic has switched sides causing all magical beings to lose their powers and mortals to gain the ability to use magic.

As a result of this, Leo's wings become permanently emerged, gradually draining all of his energy, making him very fatigued. He later finds out that the sword in his hand is not actually the Empyreal Sword and that it is actually in Rennek's possession, along with the Grimoire, and all hidden inside the Nexus of the All. By uniting her body with the book and the sword, Prue gains their powers and uses them to vanquish Rennek. With the sword in her possession, Leo is mortal once again. Leo and the rest of his family remain in touch with Prue throughout the next year.

However, they soon distance themselves due to experiencing visions and pain in her presence. As the situation continues, the Halliwells find themselves threatened by a group of ancient demons called " the Old Ones "; powerful enough to make demons shudder at the mention of their names.

As Piper, Phoebe, and Paige try to find out what is causing Prue's presence to hurt them, Leo remains the supportive man around his wife, taking care of their family whenever needed while also occasionally contacting the Elders to find answers. After the All is released from Prue's body, the demon Heremus destroyed, and Prue dead once again, Leo, Coop, and Piper decide to start organizing a council of witches in hopes of uniting with the superior beings such as the Elders, Avatars, Angels of Destiny, etc.

In , Leo and Piper were visited by their past selves and a past self of Piper's mother, Patty , while the elderly couple was playing scrabble. Old Leo and Piper inform their past selves on what to do to win the Ultimate Battle, letting them know that the future is worth saving.

Leo is known as a kind man, completely in love with his wife, and sees the best in people. He has a clear sense of right and wrong, a drive to do what is right even if it means putting himself at risk, and a well-maintained temper. However, he is not afraid to fight someone he deems as a threat to his family. This was fairly highlighted when Gideon killed Chris and tried to kill Wyatt.

Like his wife , Leo became more aggressive more prominently in Season 6 due to being separated from his family, which caused severe tension between him and Piper along with a not-so-subtle hatred toward Chris before learning his true identity. He has shown an extensive understanding of magic, most likely due to his years of being a Whitelighter.

Unlike almost any other 'Higher Power', Leo has had as much of a search for identity as any of the Halliwell sisters, having been a Whitelighter, an Elder , an Avatar and a mortal, as well as a temporary host for "the Shadow" and several demonic powers. Leo's appearance hasn't changed significantly over the series, like his wife , especially in terms of clothing style. Although, his appearance has changed more than his ex-brother in law, Cole Turner. At the end, everyone is returned to the proper time, and the sisters write down a narrative covering their future: Phoebe continues writing her column, marries Coop permitted by the Elders , and has three daughters, with Billie looking after the first two when Phoebe goes into her third labour; Paige and Henry have ….

When the show ended in , Phoebe was Why does Chris hate Leo charmed? Is Chris really Wyatt in Charmed? What happened to Phoebe demon baby? Who does Paige marry in Charmed? Did Piper and Leo have a daughter? Why did Phoebe lose her powers? While protecting the human and future white lighter Daisy, Leo is wounded by a poisoned arrow shot by the dark lighter Alec, who wants to seduce Daisy to procreate evil. Leo asks the Halliwell sisters to protect Daisy, and Piper casts a spell to swap the healing powers of Leo with hers, but accidentally Prue and Phoebe also switches their powers.

The sisters have difficulties to handle their new acquired abilities, and Piper is unable to trigger the healing power. Meanwhile, Andy is having troubles with the Internal Affairs protecting Prue, and he is temporarily suspended from his duties.

Phoebe, as usual, has some of the best lines, such as when she says that problems are for Mondays mornings; or when she questions Prue and tells that she is not the yellow pages of innocents. When Prue says to Andy "Welcome to my world" is also great.

In the end, the lesson that the pleasant power of love heals, while the painful power of hate kills. My vote is nine. Details Edit. Release date May 19, United States. United States. Technical specs Edit.


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