As you leave there is another cutscene. From here you have the choice to go to the level three world, but there is some stuff back in Traverse Town if you want to go back and get it.
You will be coming to the Coliseum quite a bit. Talk to Phil, and then head over to the pedestal. It always worked for me.
User Info: sjfletch. If you have Aero, use it. If you don't, go to another world and do some level grinding, because unless you're good you are not going to win boss fights without a decent Defense stat. It really helps if you have low Hp. Then just wait until his heads raises to attack. User Info: gammer Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to ask and answer questions.
Question Status How do I beat Cerberus? All three heads feature glowing red eyes. Cerberus's legs are rather short, and each ends in a paw with three grey claws. He has a thin tail and seems to be quite muscular. Cerberus has an angry and feisty personality, but will obey his master, Hades , whenever he is called into battle. However, he will retaliate if Hades beats him too much. It is important to be able to climb on top of Cerberus's back, in order to avoid his Dark Breath attack and his Fireballs.
Going under Cerberus when he uses Dark Breath will not work. Lock on to one of the outside heads and remain close to Cerberus's side. Use the Guard ability to deflect his fireballs. Use his back and the stairs as places to heal, which is important to do often. Do not rely on Donald for healing, as he dies quickly, especially in the first battle. Be sure to lock on and attack the heads on the side, not the middle head.
After several attempts to bite, he will stand on two legs and roar in the air. When he does this run away from him, or be ready to jump, as he is about to use a powerful shockwave.
Keep attacking the heads with your Keyblade and use a combination of Fire and Thunder magic to finish him off. While attacking the side heads, cast Aeroga on Sora to increase the damage. The reward for winning this battle is the Inferno Band. Cerberus is not an overly difficult enemy to defeat, he has just over two bars of HP.
He is only fought once storyline wise, by Sora and Auron alone. The first thing Cerberus will usually do is jump right in front of Sora, so be ready to deliver an aerial combo.
Auron's Bushido is immensely useful; although Sora should try to hit two heads with it. The Star Seeker Keyblade is recommended, as its aerial boost will be helpful while performing aerial combos.
Cerberus often swivels around leaving Sora nothing but his back, preventing damage. Just lock onto a head and start using combos, and Bushido whenever possible. If one wishes to use more magic, use Thunder on one head until Sora has almost no MP left, then use Bushido. Use the Reaction Commands when caught between by the three heads to deal major damage.
Complete the Deep Jungle for it. It's not required, though. Sign Up for free or Log In if you already have an account to be able to ask and answer questions. Question Status How do you beat cerberus? Answered Why beat sephiroth?????? Answered How do I beat Ursla? Answered How do I get beat Agrabah? Ask A Question.