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Obey: You get bad points and keep your experience. The King, looking upon his reign with satisfaction, granted Logan full regency upon his death. When the Hero of Bowerstone was 73 years of age, he died peacefully in his sleep. Though during the trailer for Fable 4, towards the end it shows Bowerstone Castle with no industrialization.
Ask A Question. Browse More Questions. Keep me logged in on this device. Forgot your username or password? What happens if i disobey or obey? User Info: Impatrik Impatrik 13 years ago 3 You just lose exp if you disobey. User Info: pryomaniac pryomaniac 13 years ago 5 You lose exp by disobeying. User Info: TealWolf TealWolf 13 years ago 6 I believe you get a good portion of it back though, so if you want to be good, disobey.
User Info: sparda20 sparda20 13 years ago 8 simple if you obey you keep your exp if you dont you lose it oh but some advice if you disobey him the second time yyou get a achievement. Help understanding the economy? You are now free to use any and all Will attacks you previously learned. Follow Garth to the Commadant's room, fighting Spire Guards along the way, use the Culis Gate, and make your way to the boats. Fable 2 Wiki Guide. Last Edited: 16 Aug am. Week You're once again sent to see the Commandant who gives you another test of obedience.
Many years later You're given orders to go see the Commandant once more. Was this guide helpful? YES NO. In This Wiki Guide. Set years after the original game, Fable 2 offers even more choices and features, while building on the core gameplay theme of Fable where every choice continually defines who you become, allowing you to truly live the life you choose.
Release Date.