What is the difference between dreaming in color and black and white

I suppose that is a little like how blind people complete from before age of 5 dream in sounds and other senses. Which makes a lot of sense. I suppose blind and deaf people just get "dream touch" sort of dreams. I wonder of the dream touch is as hollow as it is in my dreams or if it is richer because it is the main source of information.

Genius: There's an early introspective psychology article on "taste dreams"! I think another possibility -- how would we examine this? Anon August Thanks for the kind words, but your links seemed marginally spammish. Feel free to repost without the links. Just wanted to give a shout out! Good info, fun topic! I dream in color, and i can deffinayely say that the colors that i see in my dreams are so bright and beautifull!!! Some of my dreams are like movies, sometimes even better!!

So, how can u explain that?? I rarely see colors in my dreams anymore. I was given some laser light therapy when quitting smoking and was starting to get very bored with it as everything was flashes of white light. On the second session I started to massage some point in the back of my head and suddenly it was a color light show. I asked the owner about it but did not get any answer of why that was happening. Never tried again since. I dream very much in color - bright, beautiful color, much more intense than in waking life at times, particularly when dealing with certain things.

While I never dream in black and white, there are certain things that really stand out in their color: make-up on other people's faces, natural landscapes, more chaotic, carnival-esque type scenes, certain ornate little objects.

My brain finds it important to really crank up the saturation on these things, almost as though it is trying to make a point! Cities, on the other hand, particularly parking garages and under-the-bridge type scenes, which have been dream haunts of mine as of late, are much dimmer.

Still in color, but dimmer; these dreams feel "darker" emotionally, and I am less emotionally involved. I suppose there is something to be said for that as well.

I believe these things vary dramatically from person to person, depending on what they are exposed to in life and what kind of symbols and archetypes their subconscious minds gravitate towards.

I have noticed that when I dream during the night time they are coloured and when I pass that night time and sleep in and wake up late around 10 am then those dreams are darker like black and white. Maybe it has something to do with the day light that makes the dream black and white or devoid of colours? What I have noticed is when I dream during night time they are coloured but sometimes when I sleep in and wake up late around 10 am then those dream are more like black and white and kind of gloomy or with dark backgrounds.

I wonder if it has something to do with the day light? I have dreamed only twice in color - don't remember the first time but the second was recently and I do not remember all the dream - only what was in color.

It was a bunch of yellow tulips - the most beautiful of color - very bright. My dreams are always very heavily loaded with sensory stimuli - sounds, tastes, colours, smells and feelings. For a long time I wasn't aware that not everyone dreams in this way, not until I talked about it with some friends since members of my family dream in similar way. The curious thing about my dreams is, as few people mentioned before, that the vivid, stimuli-loaded parts seem to be the focus of the dream.

Thanks for the study. I was searching on this because I never have dreamed in black and white. I am 42, and have vivid recollection of dreams every morning when I wake up. My dreams are like a movie, and are vivid in color, sound, touch, and also taste.

I don't recall smell being there, but the others are vivid. I also have dreams where I speak other languages fluently, and when I wake I have used google translate on some of the words or phrases and they are correct in grammar and conjugation. Most commonly I have had dreams in Spanish which I did study in school , but also Czech and Sanskrit, which I have never been exposed to so I can't wrap my head around how I could pull out those words or phrases from my unconscious.

Anyway, the trouble with my dreams is that they will be so vivid that I often awaken tired from the dream. I am not always myself in the dream, and in fact usually the people in the dream are not people I know in real life. Again, very vivid and movie like with a very detailed script. I usually remember multiple dreams every night. Honestly I can say that my dreams are never vivid but not a completely black and white.

Colors do seem bland and neutral though because I can't look back and think of seeing anything brightly colored. Even then I kind of wonder if my mind is filling in the gaps because I obviously know a persons hair is typically brown or blonde for example and that the sidewalk is gray, dirt is brown, grass I'd green and so on. But with optional colors with a rose for example I guess my dreams always chose to have it a white rose, or beige wall with beige carpet.

Very questionable on my own half I just know that my dreams seem to be uninteresting when it Comes to the color spectrum. My dreams are very real. There is normal color, sound, taste, and smell. My sense of touch is slightly less detailed than real life. While in a dream I rely on logic errors and the lack of detail in my touch to determine that I am dreaming. As long as I remember myself, I dreamed in color.

It was never a question for me, and one day I was amazed to hear that dreaming in color was a subject of "studies", or even a controversy. To this day I clearly remember my first "scary" dream. In that scary dreamI saw a large dark green toad, sitting in the bright sun, I ran to look for my mom, and I saw mom wearing a summer dress, we were somewhere in the city, on the steps of a large building with columns, like a museum, a library, or an Opera Everything was in color.

Interesting that I have remembered and could visualize that dream all my life! Just as a shout out Holding that true What word on that approach? BeHurd: Clearly the dreams are constructions, yes. I rarely dreamed in color until I began a program of hormone replacement testosterone. Now I have dreams in which things are of indistinct color, sort of sepia toned, but often one thing is very vividly in color such as a green-green grass along an otherwise indistinct road.

I've dreamed so deep I didn't people dreamed black and white. Everything in my dream has color even the people are colored and animals and fish that's one of my fav things I'm greatful for. I've even written a full story with detail of one of my dreams years ago.

I have repeat sceeneries but in different ways people items and such threw out years. And rarely have different sceens. My dream story is online under " quizilla " titled " spiritair ". When I was a child and my family had a black and white TV, I was more likely to dream in black and white, or dreams had a green-grey tinge. It used to be said this indicated anxiety or jealousy and although that doesn't seem logical, the dreams I recall from that time were based on the resentment I felt about getting a baby brother!

I bore people rigid with the retelling of my dreams; I do seem to recall more of them than most. I often dream that objects are simultaneously different eg a bird is also a kettle. It seems reasonable enough at the time, so maybe that's true of colours, absence of colour and other senses too? I used to struggle to read more than a line or two of anything in a dream.

Since the arrival of Facebook, I find I can read more in my sleep - I should spend less time on there! I have also died in my dreams. Twice I was instantly 'reborn' as myself and the third time, when a dream about flying over the tip of a mountain was interrupted by a loud noise in reality, I went into the mountain and exploded.

I awoke with sleep paralysis and thought I was about to have a heart attack, it was the most physically shocking thing I have ever encountered, awake or asleep, but I was young and healthy at the time.

Don't know whether that is of any help with your research, but I hope it was interesting anyway. Sweet dreams! Well ever since I was a kid 5 yrs old I've always dreamt in color leaves sometimes being green, orange, or reddish yellow..

Grass green; sky is either sky blue, dark blue, or grey.. With white clouds or grey clouds My dreams are very vivid and detailed And there's one more thing I can't die in my dreams no matter the situation hit by a train, a car, a truck, shot in the head 6 times by a gun, stabbed several times, I've even jump outta a 40 story building and hit the ground and was able to get up and walk away, I've even gone skydiving and my parachute didn't open so I fell towards the earth and wen I collided with the planet it hurt like hell but I didn't wake up nor did I die..

I got up dusted myself off and kept dreaming But here's what's interesting when I finally woke up which ever part I landed on was sore in the morning My dreams are very weird I can count numbers, read a book, magazine, billboard, and or dream different versions on my self and they all have a single brainwave of myself but have different personalities of myself it's hella weird and last but not least I can talk to myself as in turn around and face myself and tell myself to wake up.

I'm 50 now. I recall a dream when I was around years old. I was falling into a black abyss and I could see the bottom getting closer.

I rolled out of bed and hit the floor. Seems funny now. It scared the heck out of me to the point that I still recall it. I didn't die in the dream, I just woke up. The only color I recall from that dream is black. I don't really remember my dreams well enough to know if they have been in color. Maybe I will think about when I wake the next time. I do find it interesting that color does not exist anywhere in the natural universe external to the mind of a being.

Color does not exist in the objects we see or in the light waves "wavelengths" refracting from the objects. I figured that part out on my own after reading how the eye functions with regard to color and light. I have a technical background so I understand about light and radio waves, etcetera.

From what I have read color does not exist even after it passes through the rods and cones in the retina. Only "information" is present at that point that was "derived" from the various wavelengths cycles of light. I believe this information to be basically correct. Don't harp on my wording as we all perceive the wording little differently. I have found that people have trouble wrapping their head around this and many "uninformed" people disagree.

Most think that color exist on objects in the external universe or in the light wavelengths refracting from an object. From what I know it is a fact that color only exist in the mind of a being, including black,white and shades of gray. These are also colors. Check your crayon box. I am 15 and I dream in black and white almost always unless the object in question is meant to stand out Our unconscious imagination can so whatever it wants and really shouldn't be over analyzed unless it has a direct connection with an issue in our waking lives.

I have always have very vivid and extensive dreams, including many that repeat themselves, but with slight changes. I have very clear recollection of a handful of dreams from childhood on. I also have control to change some of my dreams while I'm in them, and the ability when I'm woken by kids wanting breakfast , in the middle of a dream that I would like to "finish", I can go back to sleep within 10 minutes and continue from where I left off.

As for color, my dreams are colored, but only occasionally are the colors bright and part of the focus of the dream. More often than not, they're just "there". What led me to find this through google, was this morning my 5 year old son told me about his dream and in passing mentioned that his dreams never have color and that he was trying to put color in this dream but it wouldn't work. I was curious, but distracted by life. That's when I started googling and came to this after a few studies and articles with similar conclusions.

I am now more confused and fascinated by his dreams than ever, since it doesn't "fit" the science in progress. Also, the fact that he brought it up without provocation, because it's something he has consciously observed, AND the fact that he has actively and unsuccessfully attempted to colorize his own dreams suggests that he doesn't fit into the categories of "lack of awareness" of the colors either.

There is one dream I had many years ago that I remember vividly. A friend brought me a beautiful peach colored dress, just the other day I found a blouse and bought it that was the exact same color as my dream. Often I will dream that I am a ballet dancer can't dance to save my life or an excellent swimmer can't do that either. One of my favorite dreams is visiting a house that is beautifully decorated.

The most recent one was decorated in a mauve color with gold accents. But I have had several with mixed black, white and color. I definitely just dreamt in full color. I dreamt I was photographing my friends engagement pics and there was a definite color scheme of turquoise and blue. Then a little blonde haired kid came out of a back room and shot me with a yellow toy gun I remember the first time anyone told me that some people dream in black and white.

It was shocking to me, even the idea. If I've ever had a dream without color, I don't remember it, and my dream recall is pretty good. Even when awakened mid-dream, I recall the colors. My old neurologist told me it might have something to do with my calcified pineal gland and sleep disorder, but I have no idea if that's even an issue. My 15 year old son says he normally dreams in color except in his more scattered, early stage dreams.

The everyday world , as most of us experience it, is in full living color. Even most people who are so-called "color-blind" do see colors, they just lack the ability to distinguish between certain shades. According to CooperVision, there is a condition called monochromacy or achromatopsia where people only see in black, white, and shades of gray, but it is a vary rare condition, only affecting about 1 out of 33, people.

For those of you playing along at home, that's 0. Hmm, that's kind of weird. Science, of course, has the answer, but it might not be one you'd expect. A study about dreaming that was published in the journal Consciousness and Cognition via National Library of Medicine has some very interesting findings.

According to the results, as described by The New York Times , the study involved two separate age groups: Participants aged 25 and under and participants over 55 years of age. Both groups were asked to record the color of their dreams in dream diaries, and while the former group reported that they rarely, if ever, experienced black-and-white dreams, the latter reported grayscale dreams about one out of every four times they slept. The difference? With some self-care and learning how to manage your empathy, you may begin to dream in color once again.

But, what about those who never dream in color? There is a small percentage of people that have never had a dream in color. Always dreaming in black and white means that you process your emotions in your waking life, and not in your dreams. You may feel emotionally unattached to events happening in your dream life.

While most people process emotions in dreams, you are processing information in your dream. Your dreams are a time for you to lay everything out, look at your options, rationally choose the best one, and have a solution by the time you wake up. In this case, if you usually dream in black and white and have a dream in color, then this is a very significant dream and you should seek out someone to help you interpret it.

There are people myself included that dream in color, but there are aspects of their dreams that are black and white. For example, they can dream of a black and white snake in a green tree. In this case, what does black and white symbolize, as a set of colors in a colorful dream? Dreaming of a black and white object or person is all about balance and duality.

It can show up in a dream if there is something that you need to take a step back from and get a different perspective. The message from a black and white object is saying: not every situation is black and white. Often, it appears when there are dualistic ideologies that are preventing you from seeing the whole picture, such as religion and politics, or anything that puts you in the mindset of good vs.

Black and white can be seen as the yin-yang symbol. Not everything that seems negative stays that way for the long term. Many people have terrible experiences, but it caused them to seek a new way of life, which led to lifelong happiness. One of the most terrifying movies I saw as a child was in a scene in a cartoon called Little Nemo: Adventures in Slumberland. In his nightmare, there was a black ooze that swallowed people whole.

This is such a good portrayal of an actual nightmare because there is seriously nothing worse than dreaming of something being pitch black consuming people around you. The color black in dreams is very frightening and often causes emotions that seem like we are fearing for our lives. So what does black represent in dreams? Black in dreams is so terrifying because it represents our shadow selves. The shadow self is a fundamental part of your identity that you have rejected, therefore, it represents your blind spots or deeply repressed parts of your ego that are causing self-sabotaging behaviors.

The shadow self often shows up in false belief systems, limiting thoughts, addictions, lying to oneself or others, etc. It can be so scary because the reason we have buried it is that we feel shame or guilt about that side of ourselves. It is the imperfect parts of who we are. Dreaming of black often represents a part of yourself that you are not acknowledging, and is causing you to run away from your true potential. Facing your shadow can be life-changing. When you become aware of the hidden parts of yourself, you can finally shine light on it and step into a more embodied version of yourself.

On the other hand, study participants who were under the age of 25, who have been inundated with color televisions, movies, video games and computers, reported that they almost never had a dream in black and white. During the s, several studies showed that study participants reported dreaming in color either not at all or hardly ever. So you can see that the times have definitely changed with respect to dreaming in color. In conclusion, it has also been found that individuals who do remember specific colors from their dreams are usually very conscious of color in their waking lives, perhaps due to their occupations or hobbies.


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