What kind of advertisement do you like

This advert was a very creative one, and it was not like most other ads that publicise or advertise their products or boast about their service.

Rather it was dedicated to the mothers, and it reminded us of a fact that we all know. It outlined that the toughest job in the world is the job of a mother. Mothers do everything humanly possible to offer the best to their infants. They sacrifice their own happiness and time to properly take care of the kids. What they do is not comparable to anything or anyone in the world.

Without their love, our survival would have been impossible. I saw this advert in the This was a creative ad that effectively delivered the message it intended to, which was to remind us of our mother's importance and love in our life. It showed some successful people, and before that, it showed how mothers were taking care and inspiring their kids to do good in life.

It was an advertisement dedicated to all mothers in the world. Sample Answer 3: We see several types of advertisements on TV, billboards, on the Internet, social networking sites, mobile applications, and mobile games on a regular basis.

Many of them are very banal, full of marketing speech and are kind of boring while others are average and their primary focus is to express the positive sides of a product to increase their sales. Finally, quite a few of them are creative, informative, humorous, fascinating and memorable. I usually do not like to watch advertisements while watching a movie or a TV programme as they distract me from the excitement of the movie or the show.

In fact, lengthier commercial breaks are quite annoying to me. I personally think that the best way of advertising for companies or brands is using billboards, which make people remember the brand name. One of the best advertisements that I have ever seen and still like was a billboard advertisement on a highway in the United Arab Emirates.

One day while passing the main road, a big billboard caught my eyes. It was designed to look like the filtration zone of a cigarette which is commonly known as the cigarette butt. The large billboard was quite different in shape and it presented the message "Stop smoking even Marlboro" quite visibly.

I stole a glance at the billboard and thought about the message it conveyed. I actually did not think much and forgot about it. After an hour or so, I found myself in front of a beach with a packet of Marlboro cigarettes in my pocket. They are there on television, internet, newspapers, radios and then we can see those big banners and hoardings all over.

We find them in different pallets and these days, one can get messages on phone about the various products and offers from companies. I really love watching advertisements. For some reasons, I get awed by how someone could just make a product stuck in our minds. Some use stories, others have that twist and it is more often not the product that strikes us, it is actually how the advertisement of it relates to our life.

I love watching the advertisements which have some story behind. So, instead of those 10 seconds ads, I would say I prefer the ones that span over at least 45 seconds and strike the chord with something that is affecting us socially. Like, there was recent ad by Biba which did not talked about Biba, but about a strong women and how she fought back dowry. So, now all the strong women will buy Biba. I like static ads to get information about a particular product, instead of the motion ads.

Surely, the motion ads are more interesting and fun to see but when it comes to getting information, I would say the ones that come in newspapers or pamphlets are easier to fathom the information. Surely, it does. Advertisements have come about to affect our choices in way like never before.

With so many companies launching products and all of them being so similar, it is often the advertisement that helps in deciding the product to buy. But, when it comes to choosing between a well known or trusted company and the newly established, irrespective of the ad I prefer the trusted one.

I think I bought my phone after I saw its advertisement. It was a great advertisement and after seeing it I was like, I need to find out more about this product. And it truly turned out to be a great product. What are the differences in advertisements on television and those in magazines?

Advertisements on television are more striking because instead of listing out some facts when you see real characters playing out, they tend to strike a better chord. With magazines, the ads are static. So, there would be information and taglines that simply get printed.

Advertisements are there to tell the customer about the product, also, to woo them to buy the product. The main idea behind companies making advertisements is to ensure that people surely know about their product.

Yes, it surely does. People have got less time these days and they are very quick in buying products. So, the one that has a greater impact on them surely gets a priority. All of the above are important. I do not prefer any single media out of the above. It depends on the products and above all the target customer or audience you want to address.

Internet because of interactive nature but at the same time with more responsibility. It depends on who we are going to target, the age, the education, community, and need for this product or service.

We know that the Internet is at the present time is one of the best ways to deliver the information and what is new in all areas, but certainly would not be all important for every community or group of people a particular area does not allow him to return to another source to take the information from Only thus becomes both an equal importance with those ways.

I would say internet, because all types of people are there and all the ages. You can simply target your audience by age, sex or even interests. Because you can spread your message with sharing, by yourself or even your fans. Because all the means on the internet you can use from your own website to the search engines and even blogs and social media.

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