Where is 01234 phone code for

If you see any numbers it will be for a person or business located in Bedford city or one of the suburbs listed below. Phone numbers starting with the dialling code have been around since the big number change on 16th April Before then, the area code for Bedford was Typically calls to the area code are the lowest you will get except for freephone numbers.

Toggle navigation geopunk. The Bedford Area Code Bedford Dialling Code The area code is a 4 digit geographical dialling code excluding the zero used in telecommunications for the Bedford area. The local telephone numbers within the are 6 digits long. Where is the Area Code? When do I need to use the Bedford dialling code? An old rotary dial for the Bedford area code.

Map showing the location of the Bedford Area Code. The River Great Ouse flows through the town centre and is flanked by pretty gardens, a picturesque theme which is reflected in its historical churches and cultural hotspots. The Higgins Bedford is a famous museum and art gallery in the town, holding an internationally-famed collection of watercolours, prints, ceramic, glass and lace works.

Bedford hosts a range of exciting attractions too, including a water park, driving track and even a microlight centre. For customer service, email info atssa.


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