Weapons Armor Accessories Wings. Explore Wikis Community Central. Register Don't have an account? Divine Power. Edit source History Talk 0. Character has a divine 'glow' caused by stored DP Divine Power , often abbreviated to DP and sometimes referred to as 'Daeva Power' or 'Daeva Points', is used as a resource for a number of abilities and creations. Used in Morphing [ ] DP can be used to morph - or create - substances with the power of aether and their divine energy.
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The B.. The Moo.. User Info: IqarP15 IqarP15 12 years ago 3 like after lvl 10 or 20 ya start fillinging it up by killing mob's that give exp then ya use the DP for some special skill's User Info: lnsatiable lnsatiable 12 years ago 4 You can also use it for morphing mats from aether powder. Ncwest really is a special type of publisher. Can people of the opposite faction party up with each other? How do you choose wings?
I need to know how to do barrel rolls?