Can you own a suppressor

Fortunately, the attitude toward the use of suppressors while hunting has been changing in a good way. Since , 18 states have legalized hunting with a suppressor. Hopefully, the two New England holdouts will come along shortly. We do this because we know the importance of protecting our hearing.

Unfortunately, our mindset often changes when switching from the range to the treestand. There are a lot of other benefits of hunting with a suppressor. Here are just five of them:. One of the great joys of hunting is being outdoors and enjoying the tranquility of nature. The report of a gunshot is loud. Given that hunting is a lifetime pursuit for most people, that percentage can add up faster than you might think.

Every hunter knows that shot placement is key to a successful harvest. One of the easiest ways to improve the accuracy of your shot placement is by using a suppressor. This is because of physics. In addition to quieting your shot, a suppressor also reduces felt recoil and muzzle climb. Easier shooting leads to easier accuracy which leads to easier hunting.

Hunting with a suppressor can help protect others around you. There might be other hunters who are outside your line of sight but still within earshot.

If you choose to wear traditional hearing protection, you might not know that those other hunters are there. It also helps protect your hunting partners, both human and animal. Your kids or grandkids can enjoy the sounds of nature without risking their hearing when it comes time for you or them! If your type of hunt involves dogs, using a suppressor helps preserve their hearing, too.

Suppressors let you bring less gear into the woods. To legally purchase or possess a suppressor you must:. Suppressors reduce the noise of a gunshot by an average of 20 — 35 dB, which is roughly the same as earplugs or earmuffs. Exposure to even a single unsuppressed gunshot can, and often does, lead to permanent hearing damage.

Once you find the suppressor you want, the Dealer will assist you in filling out a Form 4. This is the form you will send into ATF along with the following:. View a map of where Suppressors are legal in the United States.

Learn more about how Suppressors do more than save your hearing. Read about Noise-Induced Hearing Loss. Menu Search. Skip to Content.


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